
Green Butterfly Species - Graphium sarpedon

Graphium sarpedon green butterfly species are found in many areas of Southeast Asia and South Asia , this species spreads in Australia living with an easy environment to be used as a breeding ground . According to research , there are about 16 different subspecies geographical distribution .

Graphium sarpedon living in areas with high humidity , especially in areas that have a temperature rainforest humid and wet environments . Butterfly species can breed and hatch in the pine trees and cinnamon trees . Larvae will live by eating the leaves before they turn into pupae . In certain life cycle , the butterfly will hatch into a new form that perfect green butterfly with shades of bright black with beautiful colors .

Green Butterfly Species

Graphium sarpedon

Green Butterfly Species - Graphium sarpedon

Unlike the red admiral butterfly , Graphium sarpedon commonly found in stagnant water environment , and like perch on animal dung , and crop puucuk leftovers . They search for food by absorbing nutrients contained in objects with high water content .