
The Monarch Butterfly Dress Luly Yang Review

When talking about The Monarch Butterfly Dress Luly Yang is already familiar as the famous designer Luly Yang is always issued innovation to the latest fashion models. Many models of luxury and elegant dress she had designed, this time turn the dress with butterfly pattern which was introduced to the public.

And as always, welcome to dress butterfly model is very good, as evidenced by the many enthusiasts who are looking for a model of this dress. Below are some examples of the Monarch Butterfly Dress:

The Monarch Butterfly Dress Luly Yang Review

The Monarch Butterfly Dress Luly Yang

butterfly dress luly yang

The Monarch Butterfly Dress is made ​​with a blend of silk and Swarovski crystals and black ostrich feathers on the top of the Bodice has a typical dominant orange color, with black edges and white. It gives a fresh impression, moreover there are feathers on the top makes this dress unique when worn.